Gas Emissions &
Carbon Footprint

Gas Emissions &
Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint is the estimation of the total amount of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), which are caused directly or indirectly by a person, organism, process or product. The Carbon Footprint Report is a debriefing report of the performance related to greenhouse gas emissions that refers to the previous year, calculated in tons of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e). The Report provides to businesses a clear and coherent assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of their products or the provision of their services.

The calculation includes the 6 greenhouse gases included in the Kyoto Protocol:

  • carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • methane (CH4)
  • nitrogen monoxide (N2O)
  • hydrofluorocarbons (HFC’s)
  • perfluorocarbons (PFC’s) and
  • sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

The quantitative measurement of the carbon footprint enables the proper environmental management of all corporate processes and the maximum preservation of natural wealth. The carbon footprint is based on various standards (PAS 2050: 2011, WRI GHG Protocol, ISO/DIS 14067) and the indicators recorded are the following:

  • Electric Consumption
  • Natural Gas Consumption
  • Ventilation Losses
  • Gas Consumption
  • Oil Consumption
  • Gas emissions

Through the Carbon Footprint Report, a company could:

  • Evaluate its carbon footprint and explore the possibilities of its reduction
  • Recognize the potentials for energy savings and energy efficiency improvements
  • Reduce the operating costs of the business
  • Present reliable data to all interested parties, stakeholders, shareholders and investors
  • Increase the employees’ environmental awareness
  • Promote the corporate social responsibility of the company and improve its corporate image
  • Enter new target markets
  • Increase the exports activity (necessary condition is the standardization and the certification)
  • Acquire an eco-label that will accompany the product and will make it more competitive in international markets, in comparison to relevant products and/or services